We are a lineaged Gardnerian Training Coven situated in the wilds of Western North Carolina.
"This great blue world of ours seems a house of leaves - moments before the wind.”
Despite Gardnerian Wicca's reputation for rigidity, we are orthopraxic rather than orthodoxic, focusing on the practice and ethical use of the Craft itself, rather prescribing a specific belief system or lifestyle.
We teach the mysteries of the Craft
in phases, as the knowledge is earned, to be observed at rituals and otherwise appropriated into individual practice. We currently serve the community with both an Inner and Outer Court, in addition to providing pastoral counseling and performing rites for hand-fastings, weddings, funerals, and other occasions.
Our members have diverse ages and backgrounds, ranging from long-standing pillars of the local Pagan community to novices with little background in witchcraft at all. All that is required of a seeker to our Coven is a curious mind, a willingness to learn, and a sincere heart.
"The extraordinary story of Britain's fastest-growing religious group - the modern pagan witchcraft of Wicca - and of its creator, an eccentric Englishman called Gerald Gardner. Historian and leading expert in Pagan studies Professor Ronald Hutton explores Gardner's story and experiences first-hand Wicca's growing influence throughout Britain today."

Our High Priestex
Lady Mortellus
Lady Mortellus is a lineaged Third Degree High Priestex of the Long Island Line. Presently she is busy at work on her second book for Llewellyn Worldwide, with her first, Do I Have To Wear Black? Rituals, Customs & Funerary Etiquette for Modern Pagans set to hit the shelves February 8, 2021 - currently available for pre-order wherever books are sold. In addition to her role as High Priestex, Lady Mortellus is a Mortician, and holds degrees in Design, Education, Fine Arts, and Mortuary Sciences. Her areas of expertise include mediumship, necromancy, necrobotany, and the funerary rites of minority faith groups. She resides in Western North Carolina, on three acres that doubles as her Covenstead with her husband, three children, and dog; generally wishing she had more time to go hide in the pottery shed and play with clay.
For information about booking Mortellus for a speaking engagement, please reach out.